10 Signs it’s Time for a Re-brand! – Part 2/3

In our last post, we spoke about why a rebrand may be required, the first 3 reasons were:

– You’re just not lovin’ it,
– You don’t Stand Out, and
– Operation Changes, see the post here.

Now for further reasons you may be in need of a re-brand…

4. New Target Audience
Operational changes or changes to your products and services may mean that your target audience has actually changed slightly. Higher quality products may mean that you are targeting higher end clientele.

One of the most important aspects of branding is whether it suits your target audience. Ask yourself this question.

If your brand no longer suits your target market, it is time to change. Evolving will enable further business growth.

5. Sending Mixed Messages
Does your visual identity align with your brand promise? If not, you could be confusing your potential clients. Maybe you are aiming to sell high quality items, but your brand depicts budget and cheaper items. What does your logo say about you? Is it what you really want it to communicate? Also, think about what your actual business name says about you.

6. Narrowing your Target
You know your target audience, but it’s a great idea to narrow that audience! The more you focus on one area of your business you will be viewed as the expert in that niche area.

You will appear to be the leader in that niche and you will be the “go to” business. For example, maybe you make cakes for kids parties… That is fairly specific, but imagine you decided to become the go to business for cakes for Disney movie themes? You will be seen as the leader and the expert. And your brand will need to be revised to suit.

7. Many Variations
Do you have various versions of your logo? The best way to be memorable, is to be consistent, and if you have a variety of colours, fonts and layouts of your brand/logo this is confusing for your potential clients.

Too many versions = Rebrand
You may not need a complete re-brand, just some basic tweaks to ensure there is some consistency in how your brand elements are used.

Avoid variation from happening again by having your graphic designer provide you with a style guide.

This may have happened if you don’t have any brand standards or guides in place, your graphic designer can set these with a style guide, or a corporate identity manual. Ask your designer to create one when you have your logo reworked, we include a style sheet for every logo design or rebrand.

Your branding may no longer suit due to these changes.

Changes don’t have to be a drastic, slight tweaks can make all the difference.

Have you updated your logo since you started? We’d loved to see some before and after shots!

If it sounds like you need a re-brand done, please contact Evoke Visual Creations to allow us to create an effective visual brand for you.

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