What I learnt from Jamie Durie
I had the pleasure of attending a business event last month with Jamie Durie, one of Australia’s leading Landscape Designers and favourite television personalities, as the keynote speaker.
When I attend an event like this to get the most out of my attendance I like to leave there with something I have learnt from the speaker…
What I learnt from Jamie Durie is that everything he does in business is in alignment with his business mantra.
He describes his business mantra as a theme for his business, a promise for his brand. It is in line with his values as a person and as a business and everything you do in business should follow this theme or promise.
Jamie is a committed environmentalist; it would be safe to say that he considers the environment in everything he does in business.
Do you have a brand promise?
A good start is to write down your top 3 business values. Think of how treat your customers, what kind of message you like to portray about your business, what do you pride yourself on? Create awareness around these values and turn this into your brand promise.
Every time you need to make an important business decision, remind yourself of this promise. If you feel your decision conflicts with your promise it may not be the right one… Be true to who you are as a person and as a business and make the right decision based on your promise.
Share your brand promise with your customers, it will ensure you stay true to who you are as a company.