Branding speaks volumes

Your branding tells your customer about the kind of company you are. Don’t be fooled though, you and your personal brand are one. This is heightened if you are a consultant, business coach or similar industry where you are the heart of the brand. So, what do you want people to feel, think and say about your brand?

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Standing out in a crowded market

Studies have shown that we are exposed to 3,000 to 20,000 marketing messages per day. How can you stand out?

Many successful brands seem to have the concept of differentiation mastered.

Whether you are a customer or not, these brands have created the perception that there is no-one else in the market like them.

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The Killer Brief

Whether you’re working with a graphic designer on a new logo, website, catalogue, or promotional flyers for your business, it’s crucial to give them a clear and detailed brief.

Most designers will have certain questions they want to ask. Here is a quick guide of what you should be prepared to answer…

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Has your Brand got Feelings?

Most people perceive a brand is how your business looks, but it really starts with how your business FEELS to your target market…

Your brand is your reputation, and this will stem from how your customers “feel” when they experience your business. This is why your graphic designer will ask what sort of feeling it is that you wish to convey to your customers. A professionally designed logo can help communicate what you do in business and how you do it.

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